🚀[Linkedin LIVE] Reflect Orbital & Saviant: From Orbit to Industry - How Space Tech & AI are changing Energy & Operations!

Simplifying the industrial world with technology & human intelligence

Trusted by 150+ industrial enterprises across US, Canada, UK & Middle East

What our clients have to say

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Applying intelligence
with data engineering and systems integration

With 500M “smart machines” being deployed annually by industrial Enterprises, it is adding to operations complexity & struggles in running mission-critical industrial operations without faults. What they need instead, is on-demand operations intelligence as-a-service, instead of tons of “smart hardware”. And that intelligence just doesn’t exist out there yet.

At Saviant, our industrial consulting & implementation framework helps instruments-manufacturers & industrial-engineering companies, provide useful intelligence to their industrial Enterprise clients, instead of just smart devices & smart-systems. So that these Enterprises across industries can actually keep critical operations faultless.

Working with industrial leaders

Instruments Engineering
Machine Manufacturing
Equipment Manufacturing


Industrial Construction
EPC & Projects Engineering
Equipment Maintenance companies

Equipment Maintenance

Industrial SaaS Software
for Energy, Manufacturing,
and Construction

SaaS Software

World’s 5th largest
wind turbine manufacturer
implements digital twins for predictive maintenance of hundreds of wind turbines

The company was able to forecast condition-based alarms & predict field service needs, based on both historical maintenance & real-time Turbine conditions data, by implementing digital twins.

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More case studies

Data Security

Data security of industrial devices

Modernizing data platform helps securely capture, manage & analyze data from millions of devices.

Condition Monitoring

Condition monitoring of industrial equipment

Data engineering helps provide Intelligence-as-a-Service using smart analytics & AI capabilities, for equipment monitoring.


Read our customers' experiences with Saviant