The Challenges

With specialization in offering age-appropriate children educational programs, our client, has an online Web portal; which helps Parents to rediscover the fun with their children through 1000s of challenging and innovative games.

The company provides challenging play-and-learn games customized as curriculum-based subscription plans to help parents in educating their children. Each curriculum is defined based on the learning profile and personality of the child that fall under different age-groups ranging from 2.5yrs to 6yrs. The client’s existing web application allows parents to subscribe for monthly, quarterly or annual plans. Upon subscribing, parents receive gift-wrapped monthly educational goodies comprising books, activity manuals, crafts, and toys.

However, the client wanted to extend their existing web portal business to mobile platform. A Cross-platform mobile app solution was needed. This would also help the company to create social clubs for parents grouped as per their child’s age and subscription plan. The mobile app would help the parents in engaging their children with fun-based play & learn activities. It enables them to perform various activities, including posting comment and sharing the media files related to the activities within the group and across social platforms like Facebook & Twitter. They can also register for the events & contests posted by the organizers. Further, the client also wanted to perform analytics on each child behavior with the activities.

The Solution - Xamarin Native Mobile Apps on Azure

Xamarin, MVVM Light, Azure Mobile Apps Services, SQLite DB, Azure Mobile Engagement, Azure Web Apps Services, And Cloud Storage

Saviant team architected and developed Xamarin Native Mobile app for iOS and Android using the Xamarin development framework. Our experts provided a customer-engaging secure mobile solution that fulfills the client’s requirement. Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS are leveraged to deploy iOS and Android platforms. The mobile app allows parents to subscribe for various age-based child-friendly programs for their children. The parents can post comments or share images related to the activities, and also register for any online contests or events available.

Xamarin App across iOS & Android

Building Xamarin App across iOS & Android

Our teams leveraged Xamarin with MVVM framework which made it possible to reuse code up to 90% across Android and iOS platforms. Using Azure Mobile Apps Services, we ensured that the data synchronization functionality between mobile and cloud works in offline as well online modes. The offline functionality was achieved using SQLite to store data locally on mobile platform. Azure SQL DB cloud storage allowed the application to store non-multimedia data of up to 1TB while Azure Blob supported multimedia data storage of up to 250 GB.

We have integrated the Azure Mobile Engagement Service, a user-engagement platform, using Xamarin. It allows in-app messaging for the groups and real-time user segmentation for the organization. Further, we facilitated the mobile app with a social media plug-in to enable sharing of media content over social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Additionally, Mixpanel module was integrated in the app using Xamarin framework to track and analyze successful events. With this Xamarin solution, the client was able to understand and analyze the engagement model of parents and children with the events, contests & activities to constantly improve their services.

Xamarin App across iOS & Android

User Subscriptions through Mobile app, achieved by the company, enabled Parents to engage their children with play-and-learn programs and share the activity related pictures.


Quick go-to-market strategy

enabling the client to reach out to over 5000 Parent subscribers rapidly with Xamarin apps.

Azure backend enables 1TB Media storage

support & 250GB non-multimedia storage for the company to handle large volumes of data.

Processing 1000 Mobile req/minute

using Xamarin & Azure based solution enabled the company to analyze the data quickly.

Want to build Xamarin Native Mobile Apps for your business?

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